PTI demands more ambulances for Karachi

07 Jul, 2015

PTI Karachi President Ali Zaidi has regretted that no government hospital in Karachi provides ambulance service to people. Zaidi was referring to a recent newspaper report in which it had stated that none of the government hospitals in Karachi ran their own ambulance service. As many as 600 to 800 ambulances are providing services to people of the maga city owned by non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and charitable organisations.
Zaidi said, "We demand that the Sindh government immediately acquire the required number of ambulances for Karachi and give them to the existing charitable organisations that already operate ambulance services." "It's shocking that for a population of over 20 million, there are only 600 to 800 ambulances which are operated by mostly charitable organisations like Edhi, Chippa and Aman Foundation. We need to count our blessings that we have these charities that are providing a basic service to the general public, as the government is nowhere to be found."
PTI Karachi President questioned where the money spent on health by the Sindh government was going. Over the past five years, the Sindh government had spent Rs 154 billion on the health department but still no ambulances for government hospitals in Karachi, which is unbelievable and shameful. According to Pakistan Medical Association Secretary-General Dr Mirza Ali Azhar that Karachi requires an additional 5,000 state-of-the-art ambulances.-PR

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