Zimbabwe activists deplore sale of elephants to China

07 Jul, 2015

Zimbabwe has shipped 24 elephant calves to China, in a move that has angered animal rights groups who described the export as "extremely cruel". "Some 24 elephants are on route to China as we speak after they were taken from their families in Hwange National Park," Johnny Rodrigues, chairman of the animal rights group Conservation Taskforce told AFP. Rodrigues claimed that the calves were kept in cages at a secret location before being flown to China on Sunday night.
"The conditions in which these animals were exported are extremely cruel and we condemn the whole idea of separating baby elephants from their mothers." Zimbabwean wildlife authorities have defended the sale as a measure to raise funds for conservation. An elephant is estimated to fetch between $40,000 and $60,000. In April, US-Canadian actress and animal rights activist Pamela Anderson petitioned the Zimbabwean government over the export of the animals to China.

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