Greece needs 36 billion euros more from EU: IMF

03 Jul, 2015

Greece needs 50 billion more euros ($55 billion) over the next three years, including 36 billion euros from EU lenders, to stabilise its finances even under existing creditor plans, the IMF said Thursday. In a new report on Greece's financing needs, the International Monetary Fund also cut the country's economic growth prospects for this year to zero percent from 2.5 percent forecast in April.
That growth estimate was made before Greece broke off talks with official creditors last weekend and ordered capital controls and its banks shut for a week.
The IMF's new "preliminary draft" debt sustainability analysis for the country said the changes in Greek policies and its financial outlook since early 2015 - roughly covering the period that the anti-austerity Syriza party and Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras have led the country - "have resulted in a substantial increase in financing needs."

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