Government urged to support UNHRC resolution on child marriage

03 Jul, 2015

A resolution on child, early and forced marriage is being considered in the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in next week. The Alliance to end early and forced marriages in KP and Fata urges Pakistan government to support the forthcoming resolution in the UN and to co-sponsor the Human Rights Council resolution.
The Broad co-sponsorship of the resolution will demonstrate support for ending child marriage and the recognition of child marriage as a human rights violation. It is critical that as many countries as possible, from a broad geographical range, co-sponsor the resolution. It is particularly important that the resolution is co-sponsored and supported by governments of countries with a high prevalence of child marriage, according to press release issued here on Thursday.
This year's resolution was requested by a joint statement adopted last year at the Human Rights Council and builds on the short resolution on child, early and forced marriage in 2013 by recognising child marriage as a human rights issue and barrier to sustainable development. It also recognises the progress that is being made with the adoption of regional initiatives, and encourages the creation of national action plans.
The co-ordinator of the Alliance to end early and forced marriages KP/FATA and the Provincial Co-ordinator of National Action Co-ordination Group (NACG) Qamar Naseem said in the press statement issued by the Alliance Secretariat that the "Passage of the resolution will demonstrate global commitment to addressing the issue of child marriage and the importance of including a target on child, early and forced marriage in the final post-2015 development framework.
A widely-supported resolution will help to build global support for ending child marriage, especially as countries begin to implement the Sustainable Development Goals' target, by demonstrating global consensus on the issue and highlighting its link to human rights and sustainable development.

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