14th Young Leaders Conference from August 11

01 Jul, 2015

The ever encouraging Youth Organisation School of Leadership announced the 14th Young Leaders Conference in Islamabad. With the theme of "Regeneration" the organisation is keen to train and facilitate the youth of Pakistan which will be gathered at this platform. Conference will be started from August 11, 2015 in Islamabad.
Young Leaders Conference (YLC) is an annual conference that has been organized by School of Leadership (SoL) since 2002. More than 3000 young leaders from urban and rural areas of Pakistan are part of the extensive YLC network. More then hundreds of politicians, business tycoons, and celebrities have been part of this conference so far who shared their experiences and gave their experienced opinions on different youth related issues.
At YLC, youth between the ages of 18 to 24 are exposed to social, cultural, political and economic facets of leadership. guided by mentors, experts, practitioners and trainers, youngsters develop their capacities in an environment conducive to learning. Thus, at YLC, visions are heightened, passions infused, lives rejuvenated, friendships gained and lessons learnt.
Building upon the years of tradition, this year's YLC revolves around the theme of 'Regeneration'. Regeneration refers to a re-assessment of pre-existing ideas in today's context. The idea of Regeneration will be further explored through discussions and simulations that will incorporate issues from all spheres of a young person's life. The participants will be introduced to a new aspect of Regeneration everyday. The first day will be all about the struggle of shedding old beliefs. Participants will then be set on a path to discover their purpose.-PR

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