Britain extends commitment to Nato reassurance

22 Jun, 2015

Britain will boost its commitment to Nato reassurance efforts in Eastern Europe by extending the length of time its troops and fighter jets are involved, Defence Minister Michael Fallon said on Sunday. The military alliance has been beefing up its defences in the region since Russia's intervention in Ukraine last year, which has led to nervousness in Nato members Poland and the Baltic states of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia that they could be next.
"We have to continue to strengthen Nato," Fallon told the BBC's Andrew Marr Show on Sunday, saying that Russian President Vladimir Putin was "sabre rattling".
"It is very important we keep sending Putin this message that we are determined in our commitment to the collective defence of Nato."
Fallon said Britain would extend is contribution to this force. As well as providing 1,000 troops next year and 3,000 the year after, it will now contribute a battle group of around 1,000 soldiers every year until 2021.

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