Abid Sher Ali apologises to nation for unscheduled loadshedding

21 Jun, 2015

State Minister for Water and Power Abid Sher Ali on Saturday apologised the nation over the difficulties faced by them during first Ramazan due to unscheduled loadshedding. Abid Sher Ali reached FESCO headquarters at Sehr time where he briefed the media regarding power outage on first of Ramazan. He said that the demand of electricity on Friday was 21,500 MW whereas the system produced only 16,000 MW electricity.
He clarified that if the system had been burdened more than its capacity then the whole country would have faced blackout. The state minister while making an apology to the general masses assured that efforts will be made in the future to refrain from such unannounced and unscheduled loadshedding in the country. He also stated that if any industry is found to be running during Sehr and Iftar timings then the government will take action against the responsible officials. Abid Sher Ali also criticised K-electric and said that Karachi is plunged into darkness to a great extent. Moreover, he had Sehri in the Fesco headquarters and later visited the control room and complaint cell.

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