Army is fully capable of thwarting any foreign aggression: Nisar

11 Jun, 2015

Interior Minister Chaudhary Nisar Ali Khan on Wednesday made it crystal clear that Pakistan army is fully capable of giving a tit-for-tat response to any foreign aggression In reference to Indian minister of state for information Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore, he said that India must not cross its limits as Pakistan is not Myanmar.
"Indian leaders should know that Pakistan army is fully capable of thwarting any aggression and we know how to deal with the enemy," he told reporters during his visit to National Database and Registration (NADRA) headquarters. The interior minister, who seemed quite angry over the statement of the Indian state ministers, plainly stated: "Those who are contemplating any kind of adventure in Pakistan must know that they will get a bloody face in the process".
He said that Indian leaders must stop day-dreaming, adding their dreams to destabilise Pakistan will never be materialised. "India should know that Pakistan wants peace in the region and Pakistan armed forces are fully capable of fighting aggression and will not tolerate any intrusion," he further said. He said that Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif attended the swearing-in ceremony of Narindra Modi, setting aside his past track record of anti-Muslim, in a bid to improve relations between the two countries but India shut the doors of dialogue by violating the line of control and inflammatory statements of its ministers.
The Interior Minister said that Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif approved all the recommendations of the Ministerial Committee constituted on the issue of Rohingya Muslims. He said that the prime minster will write a letter to United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon, asking him to put pressure on Myanmar government to provide basic rights to Rohingya Muslims.
Sartaj Aziz, Prime Minister's advisor on foreign affairs, Nisar added, would write another letter to Organisation of Islamic Co-operation (OIC) Secretary General, proposing to create a special fund to provide assistance to Rohingya Muslims. He said that Pakistan would also propose the establishment of three members committee of OIC foreign ministers including Pakistan to travel to Myanmar during the next meeting of OIC which would be held on June 16.
Nisar said that the government has approved $5 million aid for Rohingya Muslims which will be sent through World Food Program (WFP) for distribution in Rohingya camps. About non-allocation of separate fund for National Counter Terrorism Authority (NACTA) in the budget 2015-16, he said he will soon hold a meeting with the prime minister about separate allocation for NACTA.
To a question regarding NADRA list of 3.2 million Pakistanis who had multiple properties, bank accounts, club memberships, he said the list has been provided to Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) and it is working on it. Earlier, addressing NADRA employees, he warned NADRA falls under essential services and any attempt to stage protest by its employees will not be tolerated. "I just want to make it clear to those who will stage a protest will have to face the wrath of law as we have every think in place," he declared.
However, he said that all issues of NADRA employees will be addressed but no one would be allowed to make it politicised. "Perks and privileges of NADRA employees will be increased in proportion to the profits earned every year by the authority," he said. He said that NADRA will review term of services of all employees during the next meeting of its board of governors.
Nasir said that NADRA has earned Rs 5.9 billion in 2015 while it was facing a loss of Rs 1 billion during the last government. He said that every Pakistani citizen should have a CNIC and no foreigner is allowed to keep a Pakistani card. "Strict action will be taken against those employees who issued CNICs to foreigners in near future," he warned. The interior minister said that he will inaugurate command and control room of the Safe-City project on June 17. The project will make Islamabad a safer city for the future.
He also said that the wife of Turkish prime minister had donated her necklace with a desire that the piece of her personal jewellery should be donated to any flood-stricken girl in her dowry, which was purchased by NADRA at a cost Rs 1.5 million but it is yet to be find out where it lies. He said that he has issued directives to Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) to trace the necklace, adding anybody having illegal possession of it will be taken to task.

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