Sugar Mills MD asked to appear in court tomorrow

04 Jun, 2015

The Lahore High Court has directed the Brothers Sugar Mills managing director to appear before the court on June 5 to explain as to why he refused to pay for sugarcane to a petitioner farmer. The court has told the Punjab Cane Commissioner and Kasur District Co-ordination Officer A C Chunia to appear in the court too in the next hearing. Petitioner Chaudhry Nisar Ahmed told the court that Brothers Sugar Mills did not pay the due amount of Rs 2.5 million to him despite the court order.
He said on May 6 the court had told the mills to pay the amount and the government had assured before the court that by the end of May this year, all farmers would be paid for their sugarcane. He also said the respondents ought to be tried under contempt of court.

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