Message from General Secretary (IPBA)

02 Jun, 2015

I must congratulate Italian Government and Italian Embassy in Pakistan who are doing extraordinary job for the promotion of Bilateral Trade Linkages between both countries Italy & Pakistan and established very useful platform in the shape of Italian Chamber of Commerce in Pakistan and its autonomous bodies working in different regions. Italian Pakistan Business Association (IPBA) is one of the Initiatives from the same platform working to promote business linkages through commercial & cultural exchange.
My experience working with Italian companies delivers that Italy is the best suited partner for Businessmen in Pakistan especially for Joint Venture projects and Technology Transfer. IPBA as a facilitator can provide and do match making your requirements for right partner and right technology. I think this is the most opportune time to tap European investor's market as in wake of the euro debit crisis as European market has reached its saturation point and these operations are in search of new investment destinations.

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