Mangoes start capturing space in capital fruit markets

25 May, 2015

Mangoes popularly known as the `King of Fruits' have started capturing space in the fruit markets of capital with its different varieties. Mangoes are usually arrived in the markets during the month of May and this delicious summer fruit is liked by the people of all ages.
Pakistan is an important mango growing country in the world as soil and climatic conditions here are highly suitable for mango growth.
Talking to APP, Azam Khan, a vendor said, "Different varieties of Mangoes have although arrived in the markets but still these are not fully ripen and little sour in taste". He said Mangoes would be sweeter in taste after 10 to 15 days. The Mangoes would ripe further as the weather turns hot, he added.
He said the price of one kilogram Mangoes ranges from Rs 120 to 150 depending on the variety. Saeed Abbasi, another vendor at Aabpara market said that mango of Pakistan was well known for its taste and quality abroad. Langra, Dusehri, Samar Behisht, Chaunsa, Anwar Rator are famous varieties which are grown in Punjab while Sindhri, Bagan Pali, Suwarneka, Neelum and Gulab Khas are leading ones from Sindh.

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