'UK government committed to productive partnership with Pakistan'

24 May, 2015

Member of British House of Lords Baroness Nosheena Mobarik, who is currently in Lahore, has said her government is committed to a long-term, productive and friendly partnership with Pakistan. She told the Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry President Ijaz Mumtaz on Saturday that her country always consider Pakistan as a long-term strategic partner and would continue to support all its endeavours aimed at expansion of trade relations.
She also said British entrepreneurs working in Pakistan are having continued interest to work and safeguard their businesses and are looking forward to opportunities to further increase their operations by expanding existing projects and explore new avenues for investment. In his speech, LCCI President Mumtaz called for concrete steps to enhance diversified strategic partnership and strengthening of relations with Britain.
"The volume of total two-way trade can easily break the barrier of US two billion dollars if some further avenues of trade will be explored with the joint efforts by both the sides. Britain is known to have expertise in Agriculture Sciences that provides specific insight and technologies into the sub-fields like crop genetics, sustainable pest and disease management, seed and plant sciences, composts and synthetic soils. We need technical help and guidance to make the most of our available agriculture resources and also develop much required agriculture-industry linkage," LCCI chief added.

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