Oracle, Development Community celebrate 20 years of Java

24 May, 2015

Java, the programming language powering seven billions devices worldwide, has completed 20 years of excellence; Oracle, users and the development community consisting of over nine million developers worldwide are celebrating the success. Today, Java serves as the critical backbone of software that touches both our work and personal lives. From innovations in enterprise big data, cloud, social, mobile and the Internet of Things, to connected cars, smartphones and video games, Java continues to help developers push the boundaries in technology innovation.
"Java has grown and evolved to become one of the most important and dependable technologies in our industry today. Those who have chosen Java have been rewarded many times over with increases in performance, scalability, reliability, compatibility, and functionality," said Georges Saab, vice president of development, Java Platform Group at Oracle. He said, "Java ecosystem offers outstanding libraries, frameworks, and resources to help programmers from novice to expert alike. The development of Java itself occurs in the transparent OpenJDK community.-PR

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