Pakistan concerned over death sentence to Morsi

20 May, 2015

Pakistan on Tuesday expressed concern over award of death sentence to former elected President of Egypt Mohamad Morsi along with 100 others by the country's court and called for steps to meet the requirements of justice under law.
"The news of the death sentence awarded to former elected President of Egypt Mohamad Morsi and more than 100 others has been received in Pakistan with considerable concern", said Foreign Office spokesperson Qazi Khalilullah.
He said that Pakistan underscores the fact, highlighted by many other countries, that the "dispensation of justice must be based on the principles of equity and fairness". "This is all the more important when political prisoners especially a former elected President, who was ousted from office, is brought before the court of law", he said.
The spokesperson said that Pakistan hopes that the government of Egypt would take steps to meet the requirements of justice under law and would show compassion in case of political prisoners.
An Egyptian court on Saturday awarded death sentences to former elected President Morsi along with 100 others on the charges mass jailbreaks during the 2011 uprising against former President Hosni Mubarak.
The court's verdict was largely denounced by international community including United States, European Union and human rights organisations.

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