Lahore fire incident: Wattoo condemns Punjab government

19 May, 2015

Pakistan People's Party-Punjab President Manzoor Ahmed Wattoo has been critical of the fire brigade, saying the burning of six siblings in Lahore was caused because of the late arrival of fire men on a push-start vehicle, posing a serious question on the good governance of the Punjab government. He has condemned the Punjab government performance and urged it to prevent a repeat of such incidents in the future. "The criminal negligence of the government functionaries was both appalling and unforgiving," he added.
He has said that he is shocked to know that the fire brigade vehicle was never road worthy and that the water pipe was worn out prompting the crew to resort to the water supplied by the locals in buckets. "The fire could have extinguished earlier and probably lives would have been saved if the fire-fighting gear of the fire brigade had been in functional order," he added. He has condoled with the bereaved family.

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