Flying trains might become reality in future

Trains with wings and ability to fly might become a thing in the future, as a French entrepreneur has pitched an id
Updated 16 Jul, 2018

Trains with wings and ability to fly might become a thing in the future, as a French entrepreneur has pitched an idea to Boeing for making ‘flying trains’.

French tech company Akka Technologies’s CEO Maurice Ricci has planned to combine the two modes of transportation - airplanes and trains. He wants to create a plane that can travel on ground via tracks-cum-a train that can fly through air.

Ricci has even pitched the idea of a plane landing on a runway, shrugging its wings off, turning into a train and moving on rails tracks to trains stations, to famous aircraft manufacturer, Boeing. “After cars go electric and autonomous, the next big disruption will be in airplanes,” Ricci said in an interview with Bloomberg.

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Naming the plane-train hybrid as ‘Link & Fly’, the company even released a mock-up video of the concept in action. The body is half-train, half-plane. When on the ground, the body of the flying train separates from the inter-connected wings and the cockpit, dropping onto a platform situated on tracks. It then freely rides the rails itself. The passengers would board and get off the craft at various train stations, so that they wouldn’t have to find alternate ways for travelling to and fro from airports, wrote Futurism.

Video Courtesy: Bloomberg

Moreover, these futuristic planes might not be coming anytime soon. The company isn’t ‘banking on convincing a plane maker to necessarily build the entire ‘Link & Fly’ concept, it wants the design to be an attention grabber for now, as per Bloomberg. However, Ricci believes that small parts of the design might find their way into commercial aircrafts in the future.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2018

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