'Nation to take bold decisions to eliminate terrorism on permanent basis'

26 Dec, 2014

Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif has said that the bold decisions taken by the national leadership with consensus against terrorism will result in elimination of this menace from the country on permanent basis. He said terrorists and extremists would be given a crushing defeat with the force of national unity and solidarity.
He said whole nation was united in the war against terrorism and implementation of the decisions taken with mutual consultation and consensus would yield excellent results. He said under the leadership of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, Pakistan would be steered out of all problems including terrorism and put on the road to progress and development as well as transformed in accordance with the vision of Quaid and Iqbal.
He was talking to a delegation of office-bearers and workers of Pakistan Muslim League-N, here on Thursday. The Chief Minister said Pakistan was passing through a critical phase of its history and terrorism had caused a huge loss to the country. He said more than 40,000 Pakistanis had lost their lives in the war against terrorism while national economy, trade, exports and business activities were also being affected. He said no leniency would be shown to terrorists and their facilitators and terrorism would be rooted out from the country with the force of unity and consensus.
Shahbaz Sharif said that consensus on national action plan against terrorism was a historic event and political, religious and military leadership had become united to eradicate that scourge. He said every Pakistani was grieved at the tragic incident in Peshawar as the terrorists had attacked the future of the country. He said massacre of innocent children and their teachers in Army Public School Peshawar was the worst act of terrorism in the history of the world, adding that elements involved in that brutal incident deserve deterrent punishment.
The CM further said that exemplary unity of the nation against terrorists and their patrons was a proof of the fact that time had come for rooting out that menace from the country and to make Pakistan a haven of peace. He said though the murder of innocent children had aggrieved the whole nation but the decision of the national leadership to pay back the enemy in the same coin was commendable. He said blood of the martyrs would not go waste and those who had killed innocent Pakistanis would meet their logical end.
He said unity of the whole nation against terrorists augurs well and it was high time to eliminate the menace of terrorism once and for all. He said the war against terrorism was aimed at survival of the future generations and stability of the country and victory would be achieved in that war at any cost.

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