UK company interested in power generation through solid wastes: Deputy HC

24 Dec, 2014

President of Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FPCCI) Zakaria Usman has said that there is huge demand for Pakistani products in UK and the current statistics of bilateral trade are not reflecting the true picture of the potential.
He made the remarks during a meeting with the British Deputy High Commissioner in Karachi Jhon Anthony Tucknott, who visited FPCCI Head Office, Karachi. The meeting was also attended by Shaukat Ahmed, Sr. Vice President, Ismail Suttar, Khurram Sayeed, Vice Presidents of FPCCI, Ishtiaq Baig and Sheikh Javed Ilyas. Usman further said that the annual trade potential is US $3 between the two countries. Pakistan have specialty in textile, leather, sports and surgical.
The Deputy High Commissioner said that progress and prosperity of Pakistan by strengthening trade and economic activities between the two countries was UK's priority. He added that many British companies were willing to do business in Pakistan and want to undertake joint ventures with Pakistani counterparts particularly in gas and power generation. He further said that many British companies were successfully running their business in Pakistan. He also informed that they were planning to hold a seminar to introduce Financial Services Products in UK market for which Pakistani Financial companies were invited.
Jhon Anthony informed that a British company was interested in setting up desalination plant. He also informed that a well-experienced British company also interested in setting up project for power generation through solid waste in Pakistan which will not only help in fulfilling the energy requirements but will also lead to useful disposal of a large quantity of garbage.
Shaukat Ahmed emphasised on sharing of trade-related information between FPCCI and British High Commission. The Deputy High Commissioner appreciated the suggestion of Khurram Sayeed regarding holding Made in Pakistan Exhibition in UK and said that the British High Commission would provide all possible assistance and co-operation to FPCCI for holding the exhibition in UK.-PR

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