Yota puts on sale new smartphone with extra e-paper display

22 Dec, 2014

The new model of the YotaPhone, a double-sided device with an e-paper display on the back, has just hit the market. The new device was foreshadowed back in February by Russian-based Yota Devices. The YotaPhone 2 sells for 699 euros (871 dollars), it says. Unlike the boxy first-gen model, the new smartphone has a more agreeable, rounded design.
The phone's e-ink second display enables a user to read books, texts, cards, QR codes and photos, as well as check their calendar, the news or updates from their social networks. It's an energy-saver, since electronic paper only uses power if the display contents have to change. That means the second display can always be on. Anything displayed on the main 5-inch full-HD colour display can be sent back immediately to the 4.7-inch e-ink display if desired. The e-ink display also has a touch-screen and can be used as the main display.

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