Government initiatives against terrorists supported

22 Dec, 2014

An NGO, Baidarie Sialkot, vehemently condemns the cowardly act of terrorism targeting innocent students at the Army Public School, Peshawar. It stands in complete solidarity with the parents and teachers of the children whose precious lives were licked by the merciless flames of terrorism and the havoc brought about by the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP).
While expressing solidarity and condolences with the aggrieved families on Sunday, the Baidarie team in its special session prayed for the elevation of the heavenly ranks of the martyred schoolchildren, teachers and others who succumbed to the sniper firing, slaying and bombing during this brutal and inhuman assault by the Taliban. Baidarie also prayed to Allah Almighty to bestow patience and fortitude to the bereaved families for bearing this irreparable loss.
On this occasion a resolution was adopted, the organisation avowed to wholeheartedly favour and support the actions being taken by the government and armed forces to bring to justice the perpetrators, abettors and facilitators of this carnage. The resolution further added that it is inevitably necessary to evolve firm determination for weeding out extremism and terrorism from our society. Seeds of these menaces were sown on purpose by the vested interest holders and these attitudes were evolved and pampered with certain objectives of these elements. Now a mindset has repined in our socio-religious fabric which supports and favours these behaviours thinking that this is the only way to Islamic renaissance.
Strong reactions to incidents and acts of terror may be good but much more than that is the genuine requirement of the actuality. The pro-Taliban mindset requires to be changed and that perhaps requires complete social de-engineering and re-engineering of thoughts, attitudes, behaviours and actions. Unless and until that is done, values like tolerance, co-existence and respect for humanity cannot be regained.
The intelligentsia, policy and decision makers in state structures and civil society must rise to the occasion to take pre-emptive and proactive measures to develop comprehensive road map for permanently getting rid of the menaces which are leading to the ruining of the future of this country. The resolution added.

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