Attack on school slated in Friday congregations

20 Dec, 2014

Special prayers were offered during Friday congregations in almost all mosques of the city for the victims of Tuesday's terrorist attack on Peshawar's Army Public School and College. Imams of various mosques in their Friday sermons strongly condemned the brutal attack on the school that left 148 people, mostly children, dead and hundreds of people injured.
Terming the attack `un-Islamic', they said that said that Islam did not permit attack or killing of children and women even if they are wards of enemy. They also quoted Quranic verses and hadiths in support of their contention that Islam did not allow killing of children and women even during war. They prayed to Almighty Allah to rest the departed souls of all the martyrs in eternal peace and give courage to the bereaved families to bear this irreparable loss with fortitude. Prayers were also offered for the speedy recovery of all those who sustained injuries in the tragic incident. They also prayed for peace and tranquility in the country.

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