Sindhi Culture Day celebrated with traditional zeal

08 Dec, 2014

Sindhi culture day was celebrated on Sunday, with enthusiast men, women and children dancing in the streets of almost all towns and villages of Sindh.
Cultural activities were organized by Sindh Culture Department, various political, social organisations, schools, colleges and universities of Sindh, as towns were decorated with Sindhi Ajrak to highlight the cultural values of Sindh.
Rallies, seminars, debates, folk music programmes, drama and theatrical performances, tableaux and literary sittings were also held to highlight Sindhi culture, history and heritage at the events. The Sindhi Cultural Day is celebrated world-wide every year by wearing Ajrak and Sindhi Topi (cap), which are regarded as identities the Sindhi culture and a symbol of the Indus Valley civilisation.
On the day, people across Sindh exchange gifts of Ajrak and Topi at various ceremonies. On the eve of the cultural event, children and women were seen dressed up in Ajrak, assembling at grand gatherings where famous Sindhi singers sung Sindhi songs, which depicts love and progress of Sindh.
The musical performances of the artists compel the participants to dance on Sindhi tunes, specially on a famous song 'Jeay Sindh Jeay, Sindh Wara Jean'.
Sale of Sindhi cap and Ajrak has also been witnessed.
Sindhi Cultural Day is marked every year on 7th December as designated by the provincial government of Sindh. The day is celebrated to keep the rich culture of the province alive. Various programmes were also organized by Culture Department at Karachi Press Club, Mehran Arts Council Hyderabad, Arts Council Khairpur and Larkana Arts Council.
Rallies were taken out across the province to celebrate the occasion.
Functions were also held in schools and colleges whereas stalls were placed throughout different cities of the province to display the traditional cultural items. The day not only highlights the culture of Sindh but it also brings source of revenue for daily wage earners.

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