KP government intends to enact 'Right to Compulsory Education Bill' soon

24 Oct, 2014

KP government intends to enact "Right to Compulsory Education Bill" soon. Provincial government is considering the financial implications of the bill, and also the actual needs of enrolment of all estimated 2.5 million out-of-school children. KP Minister for Education Muhammad Atif stated this in a briefing session organised by Centre for Governance and Public Accountability (CGPA) here on Thursday.
Education Minister Muhammad Atif, Chairman Standing Committee on Elementary and Secondary Muhammad Arif, MPA Amina Sardar, Uzma Khan, Rashda Riffat, Meraj Humayun Khan, Zareen Zia, and Special Secretary E&SED Musrat Hussain attended the session. CGPA Research and Advocacy Co-ordinator, Malik Masood presented research study on the Nowshera district education budget. It was revealed in the study that about 97 percent current budget was allocated to staff related expense while only three percent left for running cost of the schools in current budget. Gender disparity in the enrolment rate is the highest where women literacy rate is only 33 percent in KP, according to study.
The Education Minister Muhammad Atif informed the participants that KP government has allocated four billion rupees for operation and maintenance, which is 100 percent increase in the operation and maintenance compared to previous year. Output budgeting at the school level was also discussed. The standing committee took showed keen interest in school based management model, which CGPA will soon be presenting.
Miraj Humayun stressed on the need for building new schools so the issue of access to education service can be addressed. Executive Director CGPA Muhammad Anwar appreciated the government's idea of output based budgeting and he stressed to incorporate school based management model which will decentralise the powers at grass root level and will improve the education sector delivery.

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