Businesspeople welcome Qadri's decision to end sit-in

23 Oct, 2014

Traders and industrialists have welcomed the decision of Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT) chief Allama Tahirul Qadri to end his party's sit-in in Islamabad that continued for more than two months. They said that it was a wise decision and in the best interest of the country and its inhabitants. They said that the sit-ins were affecting trade and commerce activities in the capital, causing huge losses to the country's fragile economy.
Chief Executive TDAP, S M Muneer, said that it was the business community's demand to end sit-in polices in the best interest of the country. He also urged PTI chief Imran Khan to wind up his party's sit-in and work towards economic stability of the country. He urged that all political parties should be on one page to meet the challenges facing the country. "There is no reason for the PTI and PAT to hold marches and sit-ins, as their protests are sending negative signal around the world," he added.
Former chairman KATI and President Karachi Industrial Alliance, Mian Zahid Husain, appreciated the decision of Qadri and said that it would have a positive impact on the economic activities. He advised Imran Khan to end politics of agitation, as it was adversely affecting economic activities in the country. President Korangi Association of Trade and Industry (KATI), Rashid Ahmed Siddique, said that the country was facing several tough challenges and the political parties must make joint efforts to resolve these challenges.

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