MOL Group launches drive to attract best human resources

10 Oct, 2014

MOL Group, the leading international Oil and Gas Company is launching a new E&P talent acquisition and development program for students and graduates in the fields of geoscience and petroleum engineering. Students at selected universities in 14 countries ranging from Pakistan, UK and Central Europe to the Middle East can apply via the UPPP online simulation game from 1st to 23rdOctober 2014.
The top three teams will then get the opportunity to join MOL Group and start their careers through the 18-month "UPPP Technical Placement Program". Top three teams at the competition will win a total of €20,000 prize. On 14th October MOL Group will be present at the NED University Karachi and on 15th October at Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology (GIKI) Topi, KPK to inform about the UPPP program. Students will get the golden opportunity to meet HR managers and make a good first impression in speed interviews.
In addition, on October 14th Alexander Dodds, Executive Vice President for Exploration & Production, MOL Group will host a webinar at Universities to give insights into MOL Group and the UPPP contest. Furthermore, students will have the chance to talk to Alexander Dodds to get first-hand information about MOL, working for MOL and the program UPPP.-PR

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