Nation united for security, sovereignty of country: Qadri

10 Oct, 2014

Pakistan Awami Tahreek (PAT) Chief Dr Tahirul Qadri said that the entire nation is united for the security and sovereignty of the motherland. Dr Qadri was addressing the participants at D-Chowk sit-in here on Thursday, said that his party had laid the foundation of revolution and 'Go Nawaz Go' had become the slogan of the whole nation. He said that his party wanted that the current system to also go along with Nawaz Sharif.
He said that 30 people had been scarified their lives for the 'Inqilab so far.' He said that the blood of the martyrs would not go to waste and become a source of inspiration for great revolution in the country. We will not forgive those who are responsible for killing of PAT workers and they would be taken to task. He said the workers share in the Inqilab struggle was much greater than that of him, as around 1000 have been seriously wounded during the struggle of Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT).

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