PPP submits adjournment motion

10 Oct, 2014

Pakistan People's Party (PPP) on Thursday submitted an adjournment motion in the National Assembly Secretariat on continuous violations of the Line of Control (LoC) and the Working Boundary by Indian security forces. The motion was submitted by Shazia Mari, Imran Laghari, Dr Nafisa Shah, Aijaz Jakhrani and Mir Amir Khan Magsi.
According to the adjournment motion, "We the undersigned request that the proceedings of the House be adjourned to discuss the urgent and serious matter of continuous breach of Pak-India border by Indian security forces. The cross border shelling and firing from Indian forces has resulted in more than 12 casualties as well as injuries to many Pakistanis over a period of a few days. The unprovoked shelling is escalating tension between the two neighbouring countries and if the situation remains the same it may lead to further worsening ties between the two countries."

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