Compensation announced for victims of Kohat blast

05 Oct, 2014

PTI Chairman Imran Khan and KP Chief Minister Pervez Khattak have strongly condemned the remote control blast in a passenger van near Peshawar Chowk in Kohat, and announced compensations for the victims' families under Shaheed package. They while terming it heinous act of terrorism asked the high ups of Police and administration as well as elected representatives of the area to immediately reach to the venue, hospital and affected families and help them in all respects.
Pervez Khattak in his statement vowed that the new wave of terrorism would be crushed with iron hands while no efforts would be spared to review the security strategy and enhance resources for further stringent security measures if required. He said that the anti-human forces would never be allowed to play with the lives and properties of the innocent people. He said though terrorism is issue of the entire country but Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is directly affected of it due to close vicinity with FATA and adjoining war-torn state Afghanistan.
Meanwhile Chief Minister has announced compensations for the martyrs and injured under Shaheed package of Kohat blast. Under package heirs all the martyrs including a child would be paid Rs 5 lakh each and injured Rs 2 lakh each. He however said that meager amount could not be substitute of precious human lives but it was token as sharing grief of the affectees on behalf of the people and government of the province. He asked the hospital and local administrations to focus full attention on free treatment of the injured of the incident. Imran Khan and Pervez Khattak prayed for eternal peace of the martyrs and early recovery of the injured as well as expressed deep sympathies with the bereaved families.

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