Zardari warns against infighting

04 Oct, 2014

Underscoring the need for collective efforts to give a stronger and prosperous Pakistan to next generations, Pakistan People's Party (PPP) Co-Chairman Asif Ali Zardari has warned that infighting among political forces may provide a chance to the enemy to inflict damage on the country.
Zardari was talking to media persons at Jamaat-i-Islami Pakistan (JI) headquarter, Mansoora, here on Friday after he met the JI Chief Sirajul Haq. Both the leaders discussed the prevailing political situation in the presence of former Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani, Qamar Zaman Kaira, Manzoor Wattoo, Farid Ahmad Piracha, Ameerul Azeem and others.
Talking to media persons, Zardari said that PPP has always practiced and advocated politics of reconciliation and his decision to meet with different political forces is also aimed at promoting the same thinking. He said that all political parties are required to make collective efforts to promote the philosophy of reconciliation. According to him, in the present global scenario when some countries are having new identities and witnessing a change in borders, infighting in Pakistan could provide a chance to the enemy to damage it.
He said he wants to meet every political force to promote politics of reconciliation. He said that this politics during his tenure in power turned every impossible thing into a possible. He claimed the East Pakistan debacle might not have happened if there was politics of reconciliation in those days. Zardari said that we have to take decisions keeping in view the national interest and the political jirga that has been trying to resolve the political impasse is part of that agenda. He said that "big public meetings are not in 'Hubb-e-Ali' but these are rather in "bughz-e-Muaawia." He said that all the political forces should sit together and do some constructive work and try to see how Pakistan will look like after fifty years.
To a question, he admitted that people immediately react angrily over increased electricity bills or rising inflation and said that all political forces have to ponder over the future requirement of Pakistan. He said that Pakistan's future need of power will be around 50,000-60,000 MW and in Sindh "we could produce 40,000 MW from wind alone." He said that "we have to collectively work towards producing power through wind, solar and other sources to bring down its prices and keep the wheel of industry moving."
Sirajul Haq said democracy is a big blessing but its benefits are not being passed onto common man. He said that the present rulers should have fulfilled their promises and implemented their election manifestoes to avoid the present situation. He stressed the need for addressing the basic issues.
He said all parties have to rise above the party prejudices to reach to a common agenda which should be aimed at feeding the hungry, educating the poor children and ensuring health and other basic facilities to the masses.

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