AJK: PM Shehbaz approves immediate provision of Rs23bn to region

Updated 13 May, 2024

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif approved on Monday the immediate provision of Rs23 billion to Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK).

The development comes after several days of violent protests in AJK, which left at least one police official dead and more than 90 others injured.

Meanwhile, the PM chaired a special meeting today in Islamabad, which was attended by AJK PM Chaudhry Anwarul Haq, local ministers and top political leadership.

On Sunday, the PM expressed concerns over the worsening situation in AJK where demonstrations were held seeking the provision of electricity as per hydropower generation cost in AJK, subsidised wheat flour and an end to the privileges of the elite class.

“Unfortunately, in situations of chaos and dissent, there are always some, who rush in to score political points,” the PM wrote on his X timeline.

“Despite the efforts of detractors, the matter is expected to be settled soon.”

Moreover on Sunday, President Asif Ali Zardari urged all the stakeholders to exercise restraint and resolve the issues in through dialogue and mutual consultation.

The president highlighted that the demands of the people of AJK should be addressed as per law.

He said that he would take up/ discuss the grievances of the people of AJK with the prime minister of Pakistan to find a way out of the current situation.

“AJK govt accepts demands of AAC”

Later, Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) Prime Minister Chaudhry Anwarul Haq held a press conference in Islamabad on Monday, where he said the AJK government had accepted all demands of the Awami Action Committee (AAC).

“No one can reject two fundamental demands regarding cheap roti [bread] and electricity,” he said, adding that the state government had no intentions to disrupt the peaceful struggle of the people of AJK.

The AJK prime minister maintained that despite more than 100 policemen were wounded in clashes with the protesters, “no marcher was injured” as he claimed that the government had exhibited tolerance and patience.

Price hike: govt urged to learn a lesson from AJK protests

He further said a permanent arrangement had been made that met the demands of the protestors and would be a part of the forthcoming budget for FY2024-25.

The prime minister said the flour price in AJK had been reduced to Rs2,000 from previously Rs3,100 per 40 kilogrammes.

Moreover, electricity prices would be Rs3 per unit for usage between 1-100 units, Rs5 per unit for usage between 100-300 units, and Rs6 per unit for the 300-above slab.

Meanwhile, according to the prime minister, commercial rates of electricity have been fixed at Rs10 per unit for 1-300 units and Rs15 per unit for 300 or above units.

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