Bilawal stresses need for judicial reforms

13 May, 2024

LAHORE: Chairman Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) Bilawal Bhutto Zardari addressed a seminar on the topic of “Bhutto Reference and History”, organised by the Peoples Information Bureau, PPP Central Punjab at Al-Hamra Hall here on Sunday.

He said that the judicial verdict by the Supreme Court in Bhutto reference was the result of long and hard struggle of the workers of the party and 30 years long similar struggle of Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto.

This reference was sent to the Supreme Court by President Asif Ali Zardari to get justice for Quaid-e-Awam Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. The court heard the case and came to conclusion that justice was not done to Bhutto and the trial against him was not just. We consider this decision as historic and now when the court itself has admitted that Bhutto’s punishment was wrong, we should carry out judicial reforms. The judiciary can also bring its own reforms but this is primarily the function of parliament.

Bilawal said that we had agreed on judicial reforms in the Charter of Democracy. The 90% CoD have been implemented but only 10% remains. We had to do these reforms including establishing a constitutional court and the procedure for appointment of judges. The PPP will try to bring these reforms so that the judiciary is strengthened and people are provided justice and injustice meted out to Bhutto is not repeated.

He said that at the moment we have politics of hatred in our society. Politics has been changed to personal enmity. We in our society do not respect the difference of opinion. Despite all this the PPP always believes in political negotiations and reconciliation. The 1973 constitution was the result of consensus. The 18 amendment in the constitution was done with consensus at the time of Asif Ali Zardari as President. We did all this by taking every political force in the parliament on board.

Bilawal Bhutto Zardari said that the people are troubled by price-hike, unemployment and poverty. In addition to these, terrorism is also an issue for the country and the people. If politicians do not talk to each other, how these issues could be resolved. President Zardari gave a message of reconciliation in his address to the joint Parliament but it was unfortunate that the people who do not want reconciliation made hue and cry. This behaviour was not appropriate in the Parliament.

He said that during the recent general elections, the PPP had an ideology, a manifesto and a campaign. We had our 10-point manifesto. The PPP has the solution of the issues of the people. Now after the elections, the government is implementing the points of our manifesto. In his inaugural speech the Prime Minister accepted that the ministries which are still with the federal governments have to be devolved.

The PPP manifesto had given the idea of solar energy and now Punjab province is adopting that point of our manifesto and we should welcome this. When we announced to give ‘Kissan Card’ during election campaign, we were criticised but now Punjab government will distribute the Kissan Card among farmers.

He said that if half of our manifesto is implemented, the people will get big relief. The PPP will show that we will play a positive role and we will solve people’s issues. This positive role and politics will take the country forward, Chairman Bilawal concluded.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2024

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