PTI leader says AJK situation likely to escalate

13 May, 2024

KARACHI: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Sindh chapter President Haleem Adil Sheikh said on Sunday that those who plunged Karachi into bloodshed are now present in the assemblies under a ‘fake’ mandate.

Addressing a press conference at Insaf House here on Sunday, he said the PPP mourns on May 9th, but what about December 27th, the day of the tragic incident of the assassination of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto, which saw the country in chaos for three days, with properties damaged and losses incurred. He said that afterwards, Zardari raised the slogan of ‘Pakistan Khappey’.

Regarding the situation in Azad Kashmir, Haleem expressed concern, stating, “While we have not seen improvement in the situation in Azad Kashmir over the past two to three days, recent developments are worrying. If the issue of Azad Kashmir is not handled properly, it could escalate into a major crisis.”

Haleem accused the Sindh government of unleashing a crackdown on peaceful protesters, while not taking any action against dacoits of the Katcha area who openly shared a video of kidnapped innocent children.

He pointed to the worsening law and order situation in Sindh and said people of Sindh were facing prolonged load shedding despite severe heat. He also criticized the government’s decision to approve a budget of Rs162 million for the Prime Minister’s House, while the common man struggles to make ends meet due to rising inflation. He alleged that corruption worth Rs300 billion occurred in the wheat sector during the caretaker government.

The PTI leader regretted that many international companies are leaving Pakistan due to political instability. He quoted the IMF as saying that political stability was essential for economic stability.

Haleem said that the PTI founder had repeatedly said that the people and the army are both ours. He said that there was no division in the party as the entire organisation was on one page. If there was a division, PTI would not have won the election on February 8, he said.

He said Karachi city has been neglected. The real heirs of Karachi should be given back their mandate; otherwise, there would be anger and resentment among the people.

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