Partly Facetious: Maryam far better than Buzdar?

“So is power talking to power?” “Will you give a break to Notification Maryam Nawaz (NMN). She is better than...
11 May, 2024

“So is power talking to power?”

“Will you give a break to Notification Maryam Nawaz (NMN). She is better than The Buzz in any case, isn’t she?”

“Indeed she is, she ain’t ever likely to slink away into oblivion once the PML-N is ousted from power.”

“Really, that is the only difference that you can think of!”

“She is eye candy, while The Buzz I recall didn’t have control over one eye, and you know I was forever wondering which eye had the vision and which the…the…”

“Lack of vision?”

“Nah I was thinking in terms of Murshad vision – you know he quietly renamed the chowk – Mall Road dissected by a road leading to the provincial assembly and one towards a police station – as murshadchowk and…”

“Don’t be facetious. Anyway, that reminds the Third Wife is in Adiala jail now, and we haven’t heard from her since. The car that used to bring her from Bani Gala to jail where the court sits gave her an opportunity to interact with the media, and that is no longer required.

“I would like to say something to The Man Who Must Remain Nameless.”

“Many people are saying many things to him, but he ain’t listening, you know.”

“I am not a die-hard supporter though I did vote for him in 2018, I am a swing voter and his two statements that turned me against him were, one, that it’s the clothes women wear that get them raped and the second he told the protesting Hazara community to bury the eleven whose throat had been cruelly slit in Mach, Balochistan and only then would he visit Quetta to meet the families of those killed.”

“Hmmm and you reckon The Third Wife was responsible! Talk of power, talking to power!”

“That was spiritual power talking to temporal power. Now NMN defines herself as the power, though before the no confidence motion her campaigning attracted crowds, but those crowds did not translate into votes, cause the party lost the bulk of bye election seats.”

“The other power NMN referred top was the establishment? So has power shifted away from her party?”

“On 9 May, she went to Jinnah house and offered her…”

“Was she wearing a uniform?”

“No, the chief of army staff uniform is ready, but she has requested a meeting with the other power to get permission to wear the uniform.”

“Indeed, so the answer is, get a spiritual guide…”

“Captain Safdar retired …”

“Not a murshad, or psychic or provider or…”

“Ah, his skills lie in shouting new slogans – remember referring to his wife as mother of the nation at the Quaid’s mausoleum……”

“Did that catch on?”

“Oh shush.”

Copyright Business Recorder, 2024

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