Iran must issue a warning to Israel

29 Apr, 2024

Iran deserves commendation for carrying out an unprecedented attack on Israel. It has rightly defended its attack by pointing out that the operation was in exercise of its right to self-defence under Article 51 of the UN Charter in response to Israel’s 1 April attack against an Iranian facility in Damascus.

It declared that the matter between Iran and Israel has been concluded, but added that if Israel were to make “another mistake”, Tehran’s response would “be considerably more severe”. Iran also warned the US to remain uninvolved in the conflict.

Ironically, the US tried to exploit the Iran attack on Israel and hurriedly convened the meeting of G-7 countries (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States, as well as the European Union) to coordinate a rebuke to Iran for its unprecedented aerial attack on Israel, and to prevent a wider regional escalation.

The joint statement unequivocally condemned in the strongest terms” the direct attack by Iran and reaffirmed their commitment towards Israel’s security.

It is interesting to note that the Iranian attack has generated a diverse reaction from the diverse world public. What is more interesting to note is the fact that India, which had earlier put its full weight behind Israel since Oct 23, could not condemn Iran for its attack on Israel.

In my view, highly controlled and calibrated Iranian attack has minimised the escalation of the hostility and war to spread.

Iran had declared a ceasefire by declaring the matter between Israel and Iran as concluded. An embittered Israel has now focused its full attention on its northern border in addition to Rafah in the Gaza Strip where its armed forces are committing unspeakable atrocities on civilians.

It is about time Iran issued a warning to Israel, asking the latter to bring to an end its growing belligerence against the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, and the Arabs in both Lebanon and Syria without any further loss of time.

I believe any warning that the Islamic republic will be issuing will certainly work in the greater interest of efforts aimed at creating peace in the region.

Saleem Raza (Lahore)

Copyright Business Recorder, 2024

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