Low upliftment of HSD: ARL seeks Orga’s intervention

04 May, 2023

ISLAMABAD: Attock Refinery Limited (ARL) has sought intervention from the Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (Ogra) - mid and downstream oil and gas regulatory - for uplifting the required volumes of high-speed diesel (HSD) on a consistent basis to help the company operate at optimum throughput.

In a letter to the Ogra, the company has expressed serious concerns on the low upliftment of the HSD ex-ARL and its possible ramifications on the ARL operations.

It says that the HSD upliftment by oil marketing companies (OMCs) from the ARL have remained very depressing during the last two months due to multiple reasons including the possible inflow of smuggled product in the supply envelope.

In spite of harvesting season which is in full swing, the poor upliftment of the HSD being a deficit product is alarming, to say the least.

Presently, the HSD stocks in the refinery have reached around 17,000 tons with very little/ no ullage in storage tanks consequently, the ARL has been left with no option except to go for shut down of the main distillation unit of 32,400 BPD to manage the critically high HSD stocks and carry out essential maintenance including that of allied downstream units for a period of 45 days.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2023

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