Hamdard organises Seerat Conference for children

18 Oct, 2022

KARACHI: A Seerat Conference for children on the theme: “Elegant manners of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)” comprised of recitation of verses from the Holy Qur’an, Hamd, Mehfil-i-Naat, Rasm-i-Bismillah and speeches, was held on Sunday at PECHS Community Centre Karachi, under the auspices of Hamdard Naunehal Assembly (HNA).

Renowned industrialist and a member of Shura Hamdard, Naushaba Khalil Sattar was invited as a guest speaker in the congregation. Sadia Rashid, President (HNA), presided over the event.

Naushaba Khalil Sattar, in her keynote address, admonished the youth of the country to imbibe the spirit of love, patience, tolerance and perseverance which are deep spiritual virtues that the holy Prophet (PBUH) exemplified; adding that doing so would guarantee inner peace and success in both worlds.

She further said that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was known to have a pleasant and friendly countenance. He was a paradigm of excellent manners with flawless character, which no one else comprehensively possessed.

The best way to express love, loyalty and respect for the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) should be measured by the extent to which the message of Islam codified in his entire life is imbibed and practiced by his followers.

Young speakers from different schools highlighted many of the virtues of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and said that throughout his life, Prophet Muhammad PBUH maintained an impeccable demeanour. His character imbued virtue and righteousness.

Earlier, Rasm-i-Nismillah of young children was also held on the occasion. Speaker of Naunehal Assembly Karachi chapter, Nabiha Jamal moderated the Seerat Conference. Fatema Munir Ahmed, Managing Director & CEO Hamdard Pakistan, Educationists, teachers, parents and children participated in the conference in large numbers.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2022

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