HABIBMETRO takes us through 75 years of Pakistan

Updated 12 Aug, 2022

To celebrate Pakistan’s 75 years of independence, HABIBMETRO takes us on a ride of emotions whilst reflecting on Pakistan’s journey as a nation. The highs and lows of this journey have been beautifully captured, while showcasing the legacy of the Habib family, and how it is intertwined with the story of Pakistan.

Through this campaign, HABIBMETRO reminds us to take pride in our collective identity which embodies our resilience and strength that got us through numerous challenges.

Grow through whatever you go through – this phrase stands true for Pakistan and its people. With each significant event and instance in the history of Pakistan, this nation has only grown stronger and more resilient. The depiction of the journey of Pakistan shown through the story of a man evokes a plethora of emotions as we witness instances of trials, tests and celebrations that we have all gone through and yet emerged stronger – both in our individual lives and our nation’s collective story.

Together we will continue to make Pakistan proud and always safeguard our identity as an independent nation. Pakistan Zindabad.

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