Gathering of a political storm?

02 Mar, 2022

EDITORIAL: Uncertainty hangs over the political scene as the opposition parties prepare to bring no-trust move against Prime Minister Imran Khan. There is no plan of action beyond this single-point agenda. Defending the move the other day, PML-N President and Leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly Shehbaz Sharif said: “the miseries of the 220 million people of Pakistan at the hands of Imran Khan government had forced the opposition to come up with this option”.

But unlike governments in-waiting in other democracies his party offers no alternative proposal for providing the people with relief from ‘miseries’. Nor is there any agreement on what is to follow if and when the immediate objective is achieved.

The PPP is unlikely to gain anything from elections at this point in time, and hence wants Shehbaz Sharif to become interim prime minister for the next year-and-a half. His party and PDM ally JUI-F leader Maulana Fazlur Rehman are anxious to go for fresh elections. Sharif’s close confidante Rana Sanaullah has confirmed that there is a difference of opinion on snap polls, adding that the matter is under discussion and would be sorted out.

But there is many a slip between the cup and the lip. That the numbers game is not in its favour as yet is clear from the opposition’s refusal to give a date for the big move.

Meetings have been held with government allies to bring them on side with incentives. In fact, when asked if his party was ready to give PML-Q leader Chaudhry Pervaz Elahi chief ministership of Punjab — something he is said to be yearning for — Rana gave an affirmative answer, saying if that is what it takes to get rid of Imran Khan. As expected, the Q League dismissed reports about seeking that office. Later on, Elahi told a delegation of ruling party senators that the people have given a five-year mandate to the government and his party would not let anyone violate the parliamentary traditions.

Efforts have also been on to win over PTI’s disgruntled leader Jahangir Tareen who commands a significant group of the party legislators. So far, he has kept his cards close to his chest. Meanwhile, the government has been accusing the opposition of handing hefty sums to some ruling party legislators in return for votes against their leader.

Whether or not money has changed hands, the opposition is doing no service to the cause of democracy by using underhand means to bring down the government. As verified by Rana Sanaullah, PTI MNAs ready to support the no-trust move have been promised PML-N tickets in exchange.

“Currently”, he explained, “we are in talks with those PTI lawmakers who do not want to contest the next elections from its [PTI’s] platform. We will also adjust our party members in the constituencies where the PTI lawmaker will be given PML-N tickets.” This shows the Nawaz League and the PPP are determined to do it by hook or by crook in order to protect and promote their own interests rather than for some higher purpose.

Considering where the government allies come from, they are unlikely to change sides. Nevertheless, in this country’s ever turbulent political scene nothing is outside the realm of possibility. Unfortunately, the political class refuses to learn any lesson from the past unsavoury experiences.

Until the last PML-N and PPP governments completed their respective five-year tenure, their chief grievance was that elected governments are not allowed to complete their terms. Yet those same parties are now going to great lengths to achieve the premature ouster of the present one.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2022

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