UK foreign minister to visit eastern Europe ahead of G7 gathering

17 Feb, 2022

LONDON: British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss will visit several European countries later this week, her office said Thursday, as she continues diplomatic efforts to deter a Russian invasion of Ukraine.

The UK's top diplomat will meet her Ukrainian and Polish counterparts during visits to both nations, before attending the Munich Security Conference in the southern German city on Saturday.

Foreign ministers of the Group of Seven (G7) most developed nations will hold talks on the Ukraine crisis at the gathering, a spokesman for Germany's foreign ministry confirmed Wednesday.

Russian invasion of Ukraine could be imminent, UK's Truss says

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who this week met Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow, is expected to address the G7 conference, which US Vice President Kamala Harris and Secretary of State Antony Blinken are also due to attend.

The UK foreign office did not disclose when Truss would depart London for her latest diplomatic foray, which follows her own bruising visit to Moscow last week.

She received a frosty reception there from her veteran Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov, as Britain presses a hard line on Russia's military build-up on its western border with Ukraine.

"I urge Russia to take the path of diplomacy," Truss is set to say on her visit to Kyiv, in previewed remarks of her speech released by the foreign office.

It will be themed around nations respecting the sovereignty of others, it said.

"We are ready to talk," Truss will add. "But we are very clear -- if they decide to continue down the path of aggression, there will be massive consequences bringing Russia severe economic costs and pariah status."

The UK government last week signed into law new legislation giving it powers to impose tougher and broader sanctions on Russia if Moscow steps up its aggression against Ukraine.

Alongside the US, it has also been rallying allies to impose a significant package of collective sanctions should Russian troops cross into their western neighbour.

NATO warned Wednesday that it could see no sign that Russia was withdrawing its forces, as Moscow had indicated would be taking place.

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