E&T dept claims to have recovered hashish from Old Golimar

09 Jan, 2022

KARACHI: Sindh Excise department on Saturday claimed to have recovered a substantial quantity of hashish from the Old Golimar area.

According to the details, the action was taken on a tip-off, which revealed that some unscrupulous persons were planning to transport a substantial quantity of hashish in the city.

Reacting to this information, the excise police mounted stiff vigilance at Mangophir road that led to the recovery of 15 kilograms of hashish from a vehicle KB-5104 at the Old Golimar area, Mangophir road.

The value of seized contraband goods is estimated in millions. The excise police arrested two accused persons. A case has been registered against the accused persons and an investigation is underway.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2022

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