PML-N needs NRO: Farrukh

03 Sep, 2021

ISLAMABAD: Minister of State for Information and Broadcasting, Farrukh Habib on Thursday said that Pakistan Muslim League-N leaders wanted national reconciliation ordinance (NRO), from the present government working under the leadership of Prime Minister Imran Khan.

Ex-Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif who left the country on medical grounds to enjoy treatment in London, had held meetings with anti-Pakistan elements, he said while talking to a private television channel.

Nawaz Sharif had an old practice to target heads of national institutions, he stated. Farrukh Habib said that PML-N leadership was involved in looting national money and the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) government would never compromise with corrupt elements.

He invited the sensible leaders of Pakistan Peoples Party to come forward for reform process.

Commenting on the role of security agencies and similar institutions, he said Pakistan Army had made unprecedented sacrifices on war against terror.

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