Bilawal addresses election gatherings in AJK

24 Jul, 2021

BAGH: Chairman Pakistan Peoples Party Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari addressed a mammoth election gathering in Bagh Azad Kashmir. He said that he will never forget the reception he got at the college ground in Bagh and felicitated the crowd on the occasion of Eid-ul Adha.

He said that he had celebrated Eid in Muzaffarabad in solidarity with the Kashmiris when Modi had attacked the occupied Kashmir. He said that it is only the PPP which can gather the entire Bagh on the third day of Eid.

25th July is a test for all of you and it is clear that the three seats from Bagh belong to the PPP. He said that he needs the experience of Sardar Qamar Zaman and Raja Qayyum, as well as the youth of Ziaul Qamar.

Chairman PPP said that the relations between the PPP and the Kashmiris go back three generations. Bagh is a land of the Ghazi and Shaheed. There were Kashmiris who sacrificed their lives to protect Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto when she returned to the country on 18th October, 2007. He saluted the three residents of Bagh who were martyred on 18th October, 2007. He said that no one could harm our relations with Kashmiri people. This relation will remain till the Day of Judgement.

Chairman Bilawal said that the sayings of PPP leaders are part of history. Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto had said that he will go to war for Kashmir for a thousand years. Shaheed Benazir Bhutto had said that where the Kashmiris will shed their sweat, we will shed our blood.

When they used to talk about Kashmir the entire world used to listen to them. Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto had said that he cannot even err in his sleep about Kashmir. On the other hand whenever this puppet prime minister opens his mouth on Kashmir he commits mistakes. This puppet is a laughing stock for the entire world.

This prime minister is an illegitimate prime minister and is incapable. Kashmiris do not accept him. Kashmiris will not accept a puppet prime minister in Kashmir because he will be a puppet of the puppet. The jiyalas will not allow Kashmir to be traded.

They will not allow the rights of Kashmiri people to be usurped. The Quaid-e-Awam had given us a slogan “Hamara Nara Sab Pe Bhari, Rai Shumari, Rai Shumari”. Chairman PPP said that the PPP will not take anyone’s dictation but the Kashmiri people. If they want peace we will do that and if they want war we will go to war. We will do as per the wishes of Kashmiris.

Chairman PPP said that the stadium where this gathering is being held was established by the PPP government in Kashmir. The road we travelled to come to Bagh was constructed by the PPP and the bridge we crossed was also built by the PPP. They other governments in Kashmir did no development work for the Kashmiri people.

The PPP will also establish a heart hospital which will provide free treatment to the people like the PPP has done in Sindh. We will not leave Kashmiri people on the mercy of this puppet or any other like him.

Chairman Bilawal said that a “federal minister who is bad minister” was sent to Kashmir who called the Quaid-e-Awam Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto “a traitor”. The Kashmiris will take revenge from these people by stamping their vote on the arrow on 25th July.

These people should see their faces in the mirror, in which they will see a person who wants to trade on Kashmir, a person who prayed for Modi’s victory in elections, a person who gave NRO to Kulbhushan Jhadav and the one who offered a cup of tea to Indian pilot Abhinandan. These are the people who called terrorists ‘Shaheed’. These are the people who are calling Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto a traitor.

They are calling a person who gave nuclear capability to Pakistan, who gave people the right to vote, who brought back 90 thousands prisoners of war from India, who re-claimed 5 thousand square miles land from India, who gave this country a unanimous constitution, who made Pakistan an Islamic and democratic country, who made this country a federation, a ‘traitor’. This was Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and this unscrupulous bad minister calls him a traitor.

He is a bad minister but Shaheed Haq Nawaz Gandapur was also of the same name but loyal to his principles and he was loyal to the PPP till his last breath. If one has to see, principle, bravery, loyalty to the people then they should go and visit the mausoleum of Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto in Garhi Khuda Bakhsh, if they want to see a person who stood against terrorism they should go and visit the mausoleum of Shaheed Benazir Bhutto. This puppet bowed before Modi.

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