Manure dumped outside Daily Mail's London HQ in climate protest

28 Jun, 2021

LONDON: British police said they arrested several protesters, believed to be with climate activist group Extinction Rebellion, after manure was dumped outside the London offices of the Daily Mail newspaper on Sunday.

"At around 06:40hrs (0540 GMT), a group of protesters emptied manure from a truck outside a commercial property in Young Street, Kensington," Metropolitan Police said in a statement.

"They climbed scaffolding on the outside of the building and hung banners from it," the police added.

"Police arrested five people for an offence under Section 148 of the Highways Act. Four of the five were also arrested on suspicion of causing criminal damage."

Police also arrested a 54-year-old as he later attempted to empty manure onto the pavement outside a commercial premises in Buckingham Palace Road, close to Queen Elizabeth II's residence. All six remain in custody. The Twitter page of Extinction Rebellion UK posted a video of the Daily Mail protest, as the group appeared to claim responsibility for the action.

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