Taliban seize Nerkh district on outskirts of Kabul

  • The area has long been used by militants as a gateway to reach the city and launch deadly attacks on Afghan forces
  • The Defence Ministry of Afghanistan says it would launch an offensive to win back the district
12 May, 2021

(Karachi) Amid the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan, the Taliban claimed to have seized Nerkh district from Afghan government forces after deadly clashes between the two sides, local media reported on Wednesday.

As per details, Nerkh district is located around 40 kilometers from the Afghan capital in neighboring Wardak province. The area has long been used by militants as a gateway to reach the city and launch deadly attacks on Afghan forces.

"Security and defense forces made a tactical retreat from the police headquarters of Nerkh district," Interior Ministry spokesman stated.

Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said the insurgents had captured the area on Tuesday. Meanwhile, the Defence Ministry said it would launch an offensive to win back the district.

Earlier, the Taliban declared a three-day ceasefire across Afghanistan, to mark Eid al Fitr, only two days after more than 50 people - most of which were young girls - were killed in bomb blasts outside a school in Kabul.

A statement from the Taliban on Monday read "Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate are instructed to halt all offensive operations against the enemy countrywide from the first till the third day of Eid".

“But if the enemy conducts any assault or attack against you during these days, stand ready to robustly protect and defend yourselves and your territory,” the statement added.

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