Share videos to raise donations in SnackVideo-Edhi Ramadan 2021 initiatives

17 Apr, 2021

SnackVideo has partnered Edhi Foundation to provide an indoor opportunity for people to support the vulnerables in Ramadan 2021, raising donations by sharing videos online with hashtags. Being the greatest Pakistan NGO, Edhi Foundation is devoted to providing multidimensional services nationally and internationally. The cooperation helps people connect with their distanced love and better serve the humanity under the epidemic situation.

By sharing videos within the hashtag #EidwithEdhi on SnackVideo, people can help donate 10 PKR per video to children, particularly those struggling with cleft lip and palate, as well as families suffering from poverty, famine, or poor health. The total amount of videos eventually decides the total donations given by Edhi Foundation, so each and every effort really counts!

Also, everyone can get a chance to win rewards by sharing Ramadan moments at SnackVideo. People can get points to redeem gifts by uploading creative Ramadan content with the hashtag #EidReward, or simply viewing videos from the different category pages like #EidQuotes, #EidRecipe, #EidDrama and #EidSaeed. The hashtag series encourage people to document their wonderful meals and pastimes at suhur and iftar to showcase their loving care and deep concerns to those in need.

Based in Pakistan, the leading short-video platform SnackVideo showcases its strong commitment to invest in this dear land, and it looks forward to making greater contributions to Pakistan people and local community especially during this pandemic Ramadan.

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