Pakistan reports 81 deaths, over 5,000 new COVID-19 cases in 24 hours

  • The death toll due to the deadly disease has reached 14,778 across the country
  • The total number of infections in the country now currently stands at 687,908
04 Apr, 2021

(Karachi) Pakistan has recorded 81deaths due to the COVID-19 while 5,020 new cases have been reported in the last 24 hours across the country, National Command and Operating Centre (NCOC) reported on Sunday.

With more fatalities, the total death toll due to the deadly disease has reached 14,778.

As per details, 5,020 fresh coronavirus cases were reported in the last 24 hours while 3, 568 patients are in critical condition. The total number of infections in the country now currently stands at 687,908.

Meanwhile, 55,605 tests were conducted across the country during this period. 613,058 people have recovered from the deadly disease while 10403335 samples have been tested thus far.

Earlier, in a bid to immunize the people against COVID-19 infection, the federal government provided additional doses of coronavirus to the provinces.

At least 452000 shots of Sinopharm and CanSino vaccine have been provided to Punjab, Sindh, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Balochistan, Islamabad, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, and Gilgit-Baltistan.

The coronavirus positivity ratio in the country reached its highest level of more than 10 percent.

In view of the surge in coronavirus cases in the country, the NCOC imposed more restrictions to curb the spread of COVID-19 cases in the country. Planning Minister Asad Umar has said that the federal government will impose ‘tough decisions’ in wake of the coronavirus pandemic situation in the country.

The government has advised people to follow SOPs and take precautionary measures as Pakistan is currently experiencing the third wave of coronavirus which the health officials say is more deadly than the previous one.

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