151 new cases of corona detected, no death reported in Sindh

  • The chief minister urged people of the province to follow SOPs.
24 Mar, 2021

KARACHI: Fortunately no death stemming from coronavirus was reported on Wednesday, however 151 new cases emerged when 8,000 tests were conducted in Sindh.

This was stated by Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah in a statement issued here from CM House on Wednesday.

Shah said that fortunately, no death was reported today. He added that till last Tuesday, the number deaths across Sindh so far was 4,482.

Shah said that 8,000 samples were tested which detected 151 cases that constituted 1.9 percent current detection rate.

He added that so far, 3,233,544 tests had been conducted against which 263,663 cases were diagnosed, of them 96.8 percent or 255,247 patients had recovered, including 1,266 overnight.

The CM said that currently, 4,085 patients were under treatment, of them 3,814 were in home isolation, 8 at isolation centers and 263 at different hospitals. He added that the condition of 243 patients was stated to be critical, including 36 shifted to ventilators.

According to the statement, out of 151 new cases, 80 have been detected from Karachi, including 56 from East, 11 Central, 6 Korangi, 4 South and 3 Malir. Ghotki and Sanghar have 11 each, Matiari 9, Hyderabad 7, Mirpurkhas 5, Larkana 4, Jacobabad 3, Kamber and Khairpur 1 each.

The chief minister urged people of the province to follow SOPs.

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