Japan extends virus state of emergency in Tokyo area

06 Mar, 2021

TOKYO: Japan extended a virus state of emergency in the Tokyo area by two weeks on Friday, less than five months before the pandemic-postponed Tokyo Olympics.

Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga announced the decision, which affects the capital and three nearby regions, and warned people against holding traditional spring picnics under cherry blossom trees.

“I ask you all to refrain from eating in large groups — even at graduation ceremonies, enrollment ceremonies, welcome or farewell parties and flower-viewing parties,” he said.

Despite a spike in infections this winter, Japan has seen a comparatively small outbreak overall with around 8,100 deaths, and has avoided imposing the blanket lockdowns seen in other countries.

The state of emergency, which primarily calls for bars and restaurants to close from 8pm, had been due to end on Sunday and was lifted early in other regions.

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