Indian Army forcibly used madrasas for Indian Republic Day events in occupied Kashmir

  • Residents said that Indian troops and intelligence agencies had warned the administrations of madrassas in South Kashmir of severe consequences if they did not participate in the official functions.
  • The people of IIOJK marked India’s Republic Day as a black day and observed it with a complete shutdown.
27 Jan, 2021

The Indian Army forcibly used madrasas in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJ&K) for official Indian Republic Day events on January 26.

Local residents told Kashmir Media Service that Indian troops and intelligence agencies had warned the administrations of madrassas in South Kashmir of severe consequences if they did not participate in the official functions.

An event was also held by the Indian Army at Jamia Siraj-ul-Uloom in Shopian district. The visuals released by the Indian Army shows that the village representative of the area and some students of government school are assembled by the Indian Army in Siraj-ul-Uloom.

Meanwhile, the people of IIOJK marked India’s Republic Day as a black day and observed it with a complete shutdown. A Pakistani flag was also hoisted on the main gate of Jamia Masjid in Srinagar on Indian Republic Day.

In Azad Jammu and Kashmir, protest rallies and demonstrations were held in all ten districts to mark the Indian Republic Day as a black day.

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