New units at highways, motorways to be taxed from July

11 Jan, 2021

MULTAN: The Excise, Taxation and Narcotics department has constituted teams for survey to identify units at highways and motorways to bring them into tax net in the limits of district.

Director Excise & Taxation Abdullah Khan told APP here on Sunday that the rules have been constituted in this connection as Punjab government has levied through Punjab Finance act 2019 on properties other than agriculture abutting to national/ provincial highways and within the area of motorways outside the rating area in rules 2019.

He said that the Excise and Taxation officers (ETOs) concerned were directed to constitute teams for survey of units including resting areas, petrol pumps, workshops, godowns and other units situated there. The areas have been identified through satellite mapping by the government, Director Excise said and added that the tax collected will be spent on civic facilities in the areas.

The tax will be imposed to the new units from July 2021, Mr Khan informed. About government's rebate offer on property and motor vehicle taxes through E-payment, he maintained that the date has been extended to January 31 this year. He urged the citizens to avail the opportunity and deposit their taxes through E-pay system without any delay.

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